Explanations for this include increased visibility of the sexually explicit content, artistic interest and psychological impact: that is, the genitalia is interpreted as a ‘second face,’ expressing the primal passions that the everyday face is obligated by giri to conceal, and is therefore the same size as the head and placed unnaturally close to it by the awkward position. Usually this was done with copious bloodshed. Shunga couples are often shown in non-realistic positions with exaggerated genitalia. The Romans loved to put on a big show in the Colosseum and they were always trying to top each other. Shunga art depicted everything: men seducing women, male-on-male trysts, men and women cheat on each other, woman-on-woman, threesomes, masturbation and many more bizarre scenes as you will see in the following pictures. The following images are coined with the term Shunga which can be translated to “Image of Spring”. The film “Memories of a Geisha” revived this rich, bizarre & kinky history of a truly open-minded culture. Living life outside the box where the magic happens. About Me Lover of Life, Love & Sensuality. Perhaps the best-known item in the Gabinetto Segreto is a statue of the god Pan having sex with a goat, which was featured in an exhibition on Pompeii in the British Museum earlier this year.