Our chapter communicates and maintains a close relationship with BGS HQ, the BGS Board of Governors and the Philadelphia BGS Alumni Chapter. The Initiation 3 (Higher Sex Education) English Title: The Initiation 3 (Higher Sex Education) Author: Robert Fraser Artist: Joseph Hawk Language: English Buy a digital or physical copy at classcomics. The Saint Joseph’s University Chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma is affiliated with and chartered by Beta Gamma Sigma International (“BGS HQ”) and the SJU chapter derives its mission and objectives from BGS HQ. Enhance the visibility and reputation of Beta Gamma Sigma. Enhance the value of Beta Gamma Sigma for students and alumni members in their as to encourage lifelong learning for members and other constituents. This exhibit touches upon the passion that Joseph Modica has put into a life time devoted to the pure art form of.Support the advancement of business thought, at both the Society and chapter levels, so the Society: honor and integrity, pursuit of wisdom and earnestness.Foster in our members an enduring commitment to the founding principles and values of management through chapters in AACSB accredited programs.Encourage and honor high academic achievement by students of business and This mission is exemplified in the five objectives of the Society. The mission of Beta Gamma Sigma is to encourage and honor academic achievement in the study of business and personal and professional excellence in the practice of business. Resonating with the artists own identification as a HIV positive gay man, UD explores the ways in which identity in gay spaces is misaligned with sex.